Interactive Ozzie is a fully interactive experience. When people hold up dog toys to the camera, Ozzie reacts to them. Ozzie also responds to voice commands. I’ve seen many games and apps revolving around taking care of fictional pets, and I wanted to take the essence of that and put it into an interactive space.
To start, I created 5 different gifs of dog reactions.
After that was completed, I used the program Teachable Machine to train a model that would recognize four different dog toys, as well as when none of the dog toys were being shown to the camera.
I then wrote code that would play a different animated gif each time the camera recognized a dog toy on screen.
I had wanted voice commands to be included in this project along with the toy recognition since I wanted it to feel as if you were talking to a real-life dog. I came up with six different words and phrases that when recognized would play one of the gifs.
After integrating everything into one singular code file, all I had to do was tweak anything that did not run smoothly and I had a fully interactive experience.